VASGEE公司位于中国•南京,座落于南京•经济技术开发区新港大道9号。VASGEE is located in Economic and Technology Development Zone of Qixia, Nanjing, China.VASGEE公司专注于医药、电子、文具、酒类、日化、饮料,食品/非食品等工业领域自动化分装及包装设备的研发、生产与销售和服务。也是出众的分装与包装系统解决方案供应商。VASGEE concentrates on the automatic packaging machines in area of medicine, electron, stationery, wine, daily chemical, beverage, food/ non-food and so on.VASGEE公司凭借出众的技术创新能力、高素质的员工团队,秉承“专职技术服务于分装及包装企业”的使命,致力于实现“成为分装及包装领域里创新的系统供应商”的愿景,坚持践行“天道酬勤”的价值观,不断为客户提供**服务以支持能量的永恒。The company VASGEE has advanced technical creating ability and a high quality team who hold the mission of supporting best service for packaging area. Therefore, company is working hard to be one of the best suppliers in packaging industry. “Honesty makes good business” is setting as our value and keep supporting value-added service is our power.VASGEE公司愿为广大生产企业、代工厂和规模化生产者等提供有竞争力的分装及包装设备解决方案和服务,持续提升客户**服务,为客户创造价值。VASGEE’s aim is to support value-added service and create maximum value for customers. Also, it will give solutions and service of packaging machines for manufacturing enterprise, foundry and scale production.随着工业自动化方面的迅速发展,VASGEE在不断开发制造更新、更可靠的产品,以满足各制造行业的需求。除高品质的产品外,在技术上训练有素的VASGEE销售队伍还提供全方位的服务,从解决应用问题、技术销售支持到对用户的要求做出快速反应。VASGEE一直致力于支持广大用户,并协助他们支持产品质量.With the development of automatic product line, VASGEE keeps creating and uploading the reliable products to satisfy the requirement of different manufacturing industries. Besides high quality products, VASGEE’s sales team supports comprehensive service of application problems and technical problems as quick as possible. Moreover, VASGEE devote themselves to ensure the quality of products for customers.
VASGEE公司位于中国•南京,座落于南京•经济技术开发区新港大道9号。VASGEE is located in Economic and Technology Development Zone of Qixia, Nanjing, China.VASGEE公司专注于医药、电子、文具、酒类、日化、饮料,食品/非食品等工业领域自动化分装及包装设备的研发、生产与销售和服务。也是出众的分装与包装系统解决方案供应商。VASGEE concentrates on the automatic packaging machines in area of medicine, electron, stationery, wine, daily che
1、投资咨询:投资者以电话、传真、网上留言等方式向总部专业的投资顾问咨询相关合作事项,索取有关资料。 2、实地考察:投资者到总部所在地进行项目考察,并与总部工作人员进行业务交流。 3、资格审核:总部对投资者进行审核。确认投资者的合作资格。 4、签订合同:双方确认考察结果无争议,正式签订合同。 5、缴纳费用:投资者按所选择的投资类型向总部交纳相关的费用。 6、总部培训:总部安排投资者进行技术培训,培训合格后颁发授权铜牌。 7、店面装修:总部为加盟者提供装修指导,与设计指导。 8、开业:总部持续关注加盟者的经营情况,并给予经营指导与帮助。