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品牌名称:中柏管业 公司名称:苏州中柏管业科技有限公司
基本投资:视规模而定 行业分类:建材
经营模式:直营 招商地区:全国

  苏州中柏管业座落于江苏省吴江市七都镇临湖经济区,毗邻申皖浙苏高速,交通十分便利。公司以“创新、科技、诚信”的企业精神,不断发展壮大,并得到广大消费者的一直认可和赞许,迅速确立了行业标杆地位。  中柏管业以“健康中国,享誉柏林”为品牌诉求,致力于将德式的净水科技奉献给每一个向往健康生活的家庭。公司斥巨资从德国原装引进全自动化生产线整套设备,成立产品研发部门,聘请大批高素质精英人才进行管道的新品研发工作,秉承对出众技术和高品质产品的不懈追求,生产数十个品种几十大系列的管道产品,包括:PP-R冷热水管材管件、FR/PP-R玻纤增强管、纳米*玻纤增强管、PE-TR采暖管等主要系列产品,并严格实施以质量核心的ISO9001-2000质量认证体系,强化对产品品质的监督工作,支持中柏管道高品质产出。   2012年,中柏管业携手歌坛红星,平面模特李彦乐**为品牌大使。毕业于四川音乐学院的李彦乐,外表出众,歌声清亮,为大众所熟知。而她由内而发的不凡气质,透露着欧式贵族的典雅气质,与中柏管业德式形象相得益彰,两者有效结合,将为大众演绎与众不同的贵族净水生活。  未来,中柏管业会严格把控质量观,延续德式经典的生活标准,将纯净的水源输送到千家万户,与您一起享受远在欧洲的美满人生。Suzhou cypress tube industry is located in jiangsu province in wujiang city seven are in the town of lake economic zone, adjacent to the "anhui zhejiang sue ighway, the traffic is very convenient. Companies with"innovation, science and techokogy, the good faith"the spint of enterprise, the canstant development and expansion, and to get consumers have been any and praise, quicky established industry bechmarking status.Cypress lube in to "health China enjoys a Berlin" for the brand appeal, committed to the German‘s water purifcation technology will be dedicated to a healthy life each family, the company has spent heavily from Germany, the original introduce the automalic production line to the whole equipment, the establishment of product research and development deparlment, employ large quantites of high quality talents of elite for pipeline product research and development work, continue to leading technology and high quality products of unremitting pursuit production dozens of varieties to dozens of a large series of pipe products, including; pp-r pipe fitting of cold, FR/pp-rfiberglass enhance tube, nancmeter anti-bacteria fiberglass intensifier tubes, PE-TR heating tub and other main series products,and strict implementation of the core to the quality of ISO9001-2000 quality certifcation system, stengthen the supervision work of the quality of the products , ensure high quality output in cypress pipeline.in 2102, the impact of the lube to music scene red star, plane LiYanLe supermodel miss for the brand ambassador. Graduated from sichuan music college LiYanLe, appearance is outstanding,singing and clear,known to the public, And she by inside and the hair of uncommon temperament, discksing the European noble elegant temperament,and impact of tube German image bring out the best in each other,both the effeclive combinaton, will be for the mass of water noble life different interpretation.in the future, will be tough of cypress lube quality view, continue German classic living standards,and the pure water transportation the thousands of farnlies, and you enjoy the good life as Europe.


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