路易·娇兰(LGICO)是香港路易·娇兰投资有限公司(Louis Guerlain Investment Co. , Ltd.)旗下卫浴品牌。路易·娇兰以“高品质产品及服务”著称,在法国巴黎和香港拥有两个产品研发中心,产品线涵盖陶瓷洁具、浴室家具、水暖五金、休闲卫浴。长期致力于欧洲卫浴市场的开拓和运营,成为众多欧洲地产开发商的合作伙伴。 自进入中国市场以来,路易·娇兰始终以“简约、时尚、创意、个性”为创作风格,融合东西方文化元素,运用“新思维、新观念”不断诠释一系列环保、康体、舒适的卫浴精品,为广大用户提供了丰富的卫浴空间解决方案及良好的全方位服务,正日益受到新兴中产阶级的喜爱和认同,成为中精心打造卫浴品牌中坚力量代表。 路易·娇兰相信:卫浴空间是生活,更是一种文化艺术。生活的魅力表现于品质,文化艺术彰现的更是一种气质。在不断坚持“稳健、诚信、服务、沟通”的核心经营理念基础上,路易·娇兰立志倡导卫浴新文化运动,让每一个家庭体验生活与文化艺术圆满契合的喜悦,享受优雅浪漫,尽显尊贵气质!LGICO is a sanitary ware brand which belongs to Louis Guerlain Investment Co., Ltd. LGICO is well known as its excellent quality and service, there are two production developing centers locate in PARIS and HONGKONG, the production including vitreous china sanitary ware, bathroom furniture, bathroom hardware, leisure sanitary ware。Our main market is in Europe, has become one of the most popular brands for the Europe house construction.Since us developing in China, “brief, fashion, originality and individuality” keep go through our production, combine with eastern and western culture, display our green, health and comfortable production with “new thinking, new idea”, offer our customer the project about how to arrange the bathroom space and all the other relative service, LGICO is being more and more popular in China and become the iconic in sanitary ware brand.We believe, bathroom space is life, or it’s a art of culture. If the charming of life is character, then art of culture will showing its cast of mind. Base on the company culture of stable, honest, service and communication, we are leading a new sanitary ware culture revolution, which make sure each family will enjoy the combines of life and art of culture, enjoy the grace and romantic, showing the nobleness.
路易·娇兰(LGICO)是香港路易·娇兰投资有限公司(Louis Guerlain Investment Co. , Ltd.)旗下卫浴品牌。路易·娇兰以“高品质产品及服务”著称,在法国巴黎和香港拥有两个产品研发中心,产品线涵盖陶瓷洁具、浴室家具、水暖五金、休闲卫浴。长期致力于欧洲卫浴市场的开拓和运营,成为众多欧洲地产开发商的合作伙伴。 自进入中国市场以来,路易·娇兰始终以“简约、时尚、创意、个性”为创作风格,融合东西方文化元素,运用“新思维、新观念”不断诠释一系列环保、康体、舒适的卫浴精品,为广大用户提供了丰富的卫浴空间解决方案及良好的全方位服务
1、投资咨询:投资者以电话、传真、网上留言等方式向总部专业的投资顾问咨询相关合作事项,索取有关资料。 2、实地考察:投资者到总部所在地进行项目考察,并与总部工作人员进行业务交流。 3、资格审核:总部对投资者进行审核。确认投资者的合作资格。 4、签订合同:双方确认考察结果无争议,正式签订合同。 5、缴纳费用:投资者按所选择的投资类型向总部交纳相关的费用。 6、总部培训:总部安排投资者进行技术培训,培训合格后颁发授权铜牌。 7、店面装修:总部为加盟者提供装修指导,与设计指导。 8、开业:总部持续关注加盟者的经营情况,并给予经营指导与帮助。