美高印象®于一九九七年在中国上海成立,成立之初就专注于家庭橱柜的设计及制造,现已成为业界专职设计师品牌。 Established in 1997 in Shanghai, MIGOS IMPRESSION® Kitchen cabinets has focused on the design and manufacture of household kitchen cabinets from the very beginning, and now becomes the first choice of the brand name for professional designers in this field. 美高印象®提供了完整的表面饰材系列产品,包括三聚氢胺板、UV烤漆板、模压板、金属板、实木、亚克力板及台面实体面板。产品并已获得SGS国内外认证。 MIGOS IMPRESSION® offers a variety of decoration materials for cabinet surfaces, including MFC, UV lacquer, membrane, metallic, solid wood, acrylic high gloss door and the platform. These products have passed SGS international verification and authentication. 大师相伴,傲视同济 master accompanies, outstanding in colleagues美高印象®一向是行业中积很开发新产品的典范,每年春秋两季不断有新品问世。美高印象®设计总监金庆德先生一直非常注重色彩运用及结构设计,其高明的设计理念创新着中国橱柜行业的成长,并成为业界橱柜设计师效仿的指标。 MIGOS IMPRESSION® is the industrial leader in developing new products. MIGOS IMPRESSION® has new products enter into market in every Spring and Fall. The Chief Director of Designer of MIGOS IMPRESSION®, Mr. Jin Qingde, put a high premium on the application of colours and structure design. His prominent design philosophy guides the development of the kitchen cabinets industry in China and is followed by other professional kitchen cabinet designers.
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