爱得康,是一个很富激情与创造力的珠宝品牌。拥有国内外创新的珠宝设计水准和制作工艺,以卓越的品质创造了一个绚烂多彩时尚文化国度,成为中国珠宝行业的杰出符号,以“中国K金家”谱写着走向国内外的圆满乐章。 ADK is a passionate and creative jewelry brand. Supported by a world class jewelry designs and manufacturing capabilities, with remarkable quality , ADK created splendid and distinctive fashion kingdom. China's Top K-Gold Company, ADK is a topping symbol in jewelry industry of China, came to be an international brand. 爱得康是中国珠宝行业早与国内外黄金协会、国内外铂金协会、国内外钯金协会等行业权威机构展开战略合作的品牌之一,是其各重大项目和活动的重要供货商和推广商,行业影响力巨大。爱得康以很强的实力闪耀于各国内外珠宝设计大赛,多次荣获大奖,引导着中国珠宝设计趋势,是中国珠宝时尚潮流发展的**! As the one of the earliest manufacturer and promoter that cooperated with WGC, PGI and PAI in jewelry industry of China, ADK became a major force in the industry. ADK showed the great strength and many times won the JDE Award in top international jewelry design competition, led the jewelry design tendency and the jewelry fashion tidal current in China. 爱得康荣膺“中国”、“中国”等行业荣誉称号,拥有自己的品牌宪章精神,“愈懂你,愈执着”是爱得康一贯坚持的品牌理念,并以“私人珠宝顾问”的服务形象巍然屹立于时尚潮流前沿。 ADK worn many honors such as Chinese Famous Brand, China Well-known Trademark Trademarks, His unique company spirit: more understanding, more persistence, play the role Of Private Jewelry Consultant and stand in the forefront of fashion. 蘸含着款款深情,将爱浪漫传递,用万分真情和严谨打造每一件饰。爱得康,愈懂你,愈执着! Sowing the love, spreading romantic style, honing every piece of jewelry with the truth and the preciseness. ADK, more understanding, more persistence
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