O`slafaye fashion (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is owned by Hong Kong Beauty Trend International Ltd., a subsidiary of the Nameson Group, Hong Kong. O`slafaye has been a registered brand in Shenzhen and Hong Kong since 2002. We currently operate in Shenzhen, China. Unlike others in the garment industry, we incorporate product development, design, production and marketing into one enterprise. We have great financial stability, industry leading brand strategists, outstanding fashion designers and experienced fashion brand management personnel. In 2010, the Nameson Group began a determined effort to build O`slafaye into a banner brand in women fashion. Blending contemporary international fashion with our brand essence of trendiness, elegance, charisma and quality, O`slafaye will become a unique leader in women’s casual and business attire. 歐納菲時裝(深圳)有限公司隸屬香港南旋集團的附屬公司香港美騰國際有限公司,於中國深圳投資的一家集產品研發、設計、生產和行銷于一體的現代服裝企業。旗下現擁有在深、港兩地於2002年同時註冊的女裝品牌--- 欧纳菲。公司實力雄厚且擁有業內品牌策劃師、優秀時裝設計師和資深的時裝品牌管理人才。 2010年,"欧纳菲"時裝作為"南旋集團"傾力打造的一面高級女裝旗幟,以國際時尚為主導,貫徹時尚、優雅、精緻、魅力的品牌真諦,讓它們溶為一體,在服裝市場上別具風格。品牌故事 "O`slafaye" combines European romantic flair with Korean mix-and-match sensibility, along with their exquisite and trendy cuts. Its delicate and precise workmanship creates a perfection of color, pattern, and quality that truly represents the modern woman’s elegance and modesty. Trendiness, elegance, charisma and quality are the true essences of the brand. "O`slafaye" is also an attitude of elegance and confidence. It is about projecting your charm; showing your individuality; speaking your mind; expressing your style; taking charge of your life. It is the metropolitan woman. "O`slafaye" blends creativity and workmanship with the essence of international trends to uniquely create its diverse lines – the Trendy and the Elegant. Limitless mixing and matching between our product lines gives you the freedom to show your own style and be captivating anywhere, anytime! 欧纳菲的設計結合歐洲的感性浪漫風情,韓國靈動的搭配和細緻時尚的裁剪變換。恰當而精緻的工藝手法運用,實現色彩、圖案、工藝處理在服裝上的圆满結合。準確演繹現代女性優雅、含蓄的氣質,滿足時尚女性變化萬千的消費需求。欧纳菲將永遠實行時尚、優雅、精緻、魅力的品牌真諦。 欧纳菲呈現出來不僅是一個時裝品牌,更是一種優雅而自信的生活態度。它針對自我意識、獨立個性,勇於表達及隨時發揮自我氣質和魅力的現代都市女性。 欧纳菲產品憑創意、結構、色彩、工藝的巧妙融合,萃取當季國際潮流的精髓,演繹成獨具特色、豐富而多元化的系列產品。無論時尚系列或優雅系列均可打破界限、自由混搭。在任何地方,任何時間讓您散發自身獨特的風格和優雅氣質。
O`slafaye fashion (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is owned by Hong Kong Beauty Trend International Ltd., a subsidiary of the Nameson Group, Hong Kong. O`slafaye has been a registered brand in Shenzhen and Hong Kong since 2002. We currently operate in Shenzhen, China. Unlike others in the garment industry, we incorporate pr
1、投资咨询:投资者以电话、传真、网上留言等方式向总部专业的投资顾问咨询相关合作事项,索取有关资料。 2、实地考察:投资者到总部所在地进行项目考察,并与总部工作人员进行业务交流。 3、资格审核:总部对投资者进行审核。确认投资者的合作资格。 4、签订合同:双方确认考察结果无争议,正式签订合同。 5、缴纳费用:投资者按所选择的投资类型向总部交纳相关的费用。 6、总部培训:总部安排投资者进行技术培训,培训合格后颁发授权铜牌。 7、店面装修:总部为加盟者提供装修指导,与设计指导。 8、开业:总部持续关注加盟者的经营情况,并给予经营指导与帮助。