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品牌名称:沃克拉 行业分类:建材
基本投资:20-50万 招商地区:全国
运营机构:Vokèra Ltd

Vokèra Ltd was established over 30 years ago and has bases across the UK and Ireland, which support every Vokèra installation.Vokèra offers the complete home heating package. With 跳高 of Vokèra boilers being tested before they leave the factory, the Vokèra brand offers peace of mind with a lifetime reliability.Backed by the financial strength and stability of global parent company, Riello Group, Vokèra maintains a firm focus on the needs of the UK and Ireland markets, and is a brand trusted by home owners, installers, merchants and specifiers alike.Looking to the future, our policy of continuous innovation and technological advancement means that our products are leading the market in increased energy efficiency. Vokèra is ISO 9001 approved, supports the ‘benchmark’ initiative, are members of the Heating and Hot Water Industry Council, the SBGI, and the RGII.“Our team share the same passion for excellence and a sense of responsibility for the values that our brand stands to ensure our customers get the support they need. Our ultimate delivery is a first-class professional support to installers and merchants and the guarantee to homeowners that we strive everyday for safety, energy saving and respect for the environment.”


Vokèra Ltd was established over 30 years ago and has bases across the UK and Ireland, which support every Vokèra installation.Vokèra offers the complete home heating package. With 跳高 of Vokèra boilers being tested before they leave the factory, the Vokèra brand offers peace of mind with a lifetime reliability.Backed by



Once the blockage has been thawed and cleared, consult the your boiler manual (if you do not have a copy you can download it from our website by clicking here) for guidance on any action needed to “reset” the fault code/alarm and re-start the boiler.

In most cases, once the condensate drain pipe is cleared and a reset has been carried out, the boiler will re-ignite using an automatic operating sequence.

If this reset/restart does not succeed you should call in a competent engineer to assess the situation and take further action if required. 



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