金磊皮草皮革秉承意大利时尚与奢华传统Inherit Italian fashion and luxury tradition 集东方细腻沉稳和西方浪漫热烈于一身 Integrate the oriental morbidezza and occidental romatic 低调,却不失华贵 Low profile with luxury 婉约,又处处彰显时尚Graceful with fashion 触手之间 犹如踏雪无痕的浪漫 Like the romantic through the snow 更似冬日艳阳的暖意Like the warmth during the winter 凡欣威娜 FASHION VANE 奢华天成,创新时尚,永恒的风向标The natural luxury the eternal direction of fashion style 暂无相关详细信息,请直接留言咨询项目官方!
金磊皮草皮革秉承意大利时尚与奢华传统Inherit Italian fashion and luxury tradition 集东方细腻沉稳和西方浪漫热烈于一身 Integrate the oriental morbidezza and occidental romatic 低调,却不失华贵 Low profile with luxury 婉约,又处处彰显时尚Graceful with fashion 触手之间 犹如踏雪无痕的浪漫 Like the romantic through the snow 更似冬日艳阳的暖意Like the warmth
金磊皮草皮革秉承意大利时尚与奢华传统Inherit Italian fashion and luxury tradition
集东方细腻沉稳和西方浪漫热烈于一身 Integrate the oriental morbidezza and occidental romatic
低调,却不失华贵 Low profile with luxury
婉约,又处处彰显时尚Graceful with fashion
犹如踏雪无痕的浪漫 Like the romantic through the snow
更似冬日艳阳的暖意Like the warmth during the winter
奢华天成,创新时尚,永恒的风向标The natural luxury the eternal
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