吉恒光电有限责任公司,是专职从事光学玻璃元件冷加工和光学镀膜的企业,成立于1993年。主要产品有球面镜、柱面镜、光学窗口、平面镜、反射镜、胶合镜、棱镜、滤光片等各种高精密光学元件,基底材料包括各种旺石玻璃、紫外熔石英、红外熔石英等光学玻璃以及氟化钙、氟化镁、硒化锌、硅、锗等光学晶体材料。产品覆盖了医学,电子,教学,信息,通讯及农业等领域。 我公司拥有对光学元件的焦距、偏心、尺寸、光洁度、面型等一系列关于产品质量的检测仪器,能够支持您对产品质量的要求! 公司以创新的产品,快的速度,质的服务为保护,赢得您的信赖。我们真诚地希望与各界朋友和有识之士开展广泛合作、共同发展,开创美好的未来。Thanks for your interest in Jiheng Optics. Jiheng Optics was founded in 1993 by a group of dedicated professionals who have been worked in (Changchun Institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, CAS). We specialize in the manufacture of optical components for use throughout the optical spectrum. From the vacuum ultraviolet to the mid infra-red we understand optics, optical materials and optical coating. Our job is quite simply, to provide you with the components you are searching for. We are increasing the level of quality and service for who will get the optical elements from us and my cooperaters, That is why everyone at Jiheng Optics is as committed as I am to serving you better. We work with you to establish the exact specifications of optics which will serve your purpose and then we put those optics into production. Large quantities are not a problem. The ability for 5000pcs/month can solve this. You can get the international best quality product from our company also with good price. The product you can afford from my company you will find is the best after the cooperation near future. Coating is the heart for optical performance, you can also trust my group can supply you the correct coatings you want. we can bring you reliable, high performance, laser quality coatings. We pride ourselves in the repeatability of our processes and our reputation for on-time delivery.? Look through the products on the web to see the vast range of products we manufacture. Many of these items are available from stock. E-mail or call us with your request and we will confirm the price and delivery the same day. I hope you will give Jiheng Optics a chance to be your optics supplier in China, and to show you that we can deliver the quality and service also the price that you expect.
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